I have had preeclampsia twice or more. Is it safe to try again? Is it possible to have a pregnancy without preeclampsia?
Our admin Jen writes:
If you have already had preeclampsia twice or more, you should go into another pregnancy prepared to have it again. Those of us who get it more than once are more likely to have an underlying condition that will trigger it every time. That does not mean you will definitely get it, or that it would be early or severe. You could well avoid it next time. And you can have a successful pregnancy with a happy outcome even with preeclampsia. But as a three-time survivor myself, I found it helpful to be mentally prepared. We often recommend meeting with a Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist for a preconception appointment if possible. They are the experts in high risk and complicated pregnancies. They can review your history, recommend any testing, and give you a personal risk assessment. They can also help you develop a management plan for a future pregnancy. This can help you decide if you want to try again or not. If you cannot see MFM, your OB or primary doctor may also be able to do some of this for you. It can also be helpful to work with a therapist. A trained professional can help you process what you have already been through and walk you through the decision-making process. They can help you develop coping strategies for the anxiety that often comes with a new pregnancy if you decide to move forward, or learn to make peace with being done. On a personal note, I had preeclampsia with my first and second child. I also had two losses. I went into my fifth pregnancy fully expecting to have preeclampsia again, and I did. My other living babies were diagnosed at late-preterm, and born at 35 and barely 37 weeks. I was prepared for another late-preemie or early term baby. I was not prepared for twins! But even though I had preeclampsia again, we made it to 36 weeks still stable. Even after all that, we decided to try again, but Mother Nature and secondary infertility had other plans. So, yes, there are those of us out there who try again, even knowing that preeclampsia is almost definitely in our future. High-risk pregnancies are so scary, though. Many decide that they are not willing to go through it again, and that is a valid decision. Only you know what you are willing to risk and willing to go through. Have you had preeclampsia more than once? Share your story in the comments. Did you try again? How did your pregnancies go? Or did you decide not to try again? What would you like others to know when faced with this decision?